Artikel Tags Chair
SITWELL® STEIFENSAND ➜ Ergonomic office chairs Made by Gernot Steifensand
SITWELL STEIFENSAND ➜ Plants require the sun for photosynthesis, and humans need the sun to survive. The sun dominates our world.
SITWELL SUN is unique and special, just like you and your workplace. The future-oriented art design and new seating techniques guarantee that the sun will always shine at your workplace and that you’ll remain fit and healthy for a long time.
SITWELL SUN is the energising feeling you get while seated that activates your spirits every hour and improves your mental and physical well-being.
SITWELL SUN – The new 3D-ErgoSWOP® ergonomic swivel chair ➽ The power of SUN is an undeniable force of nature that has altered the planet since the beginning of time.
The discovery of SUN radically changed human history. Today SUN stands for the energy and warmth that everyone needs in life. SUN releases your sitting energy and improves the seat quality at your workplace.
SITWELL STEIFENSAND offers you individual “seat freedom” in the highest German name-brand quality.
Discover the new and lively sitting feel with the unique and ergonomic SITWELL STEIFENSAND seating solutions.
Our bodies are the houses in which we live, and health is the most important thing we have in life. The SITWELL STEIFENSAND seat research group and an international team of doctors have been on a quest to understand the causes of the nation’s number one disease: back pain and other office illnesses.
Every person sits differently. Women are especially disadvantaged on DIN and uniform chairs due to their breathing and biological needs „Sitting makes you ill“, and those who sit should be able to sit especially well in order to protect their health and prevent back and shoulder pain.
The dynamic art design will awaken your spirits. Every hour on SUN releases your „sitting energy“ and improves your mental and physical well-being.
Economically correct sitting has style. Our new SITWELL SUN collection with interchangeable cushions makes it possible for you to create your individual sitting dream at home or in your office.
Vitality and well-being for your body, mind, and soul.
Our new SITWELL SUN office chairs are individually manufactured and thus guarantee the highest possible level of comfort and durability. Thats SITWELL STEIFENSAND Quality handmade in Germany.
The patented lumbar seat cushion according to Dr. med. Stehle is suitable for maintaining a healthy and vital sitting posture due to its special wave design. The seat cushion ensures that your hips can tilt forward depending on the sitting position. This straightens your spine and results in an ergonomically correct and fatigue-free sitting position
The power of SUN is an undeniable force of nature that has altered the planet since the beginning of time.
The SITWELL SUN ergonomic office chair gives your body the strength and energy you need to keep your body, mind, and soul in balance.
The modern art design and new seating techniques with modern features of our time release your „seating energy“, allowing you
to feel fit and effective.
Every hour on SUN activates your life spirits and physical well-being.
The purchase of seating is a matter of trust. „Seating illnesses“ creep up on us, and we only become aware of it when we feel pain.
The new SITWELL® STEIFENSAND seating solutions for professionals offer you „seating freedom“ of the highest German quality at a sensational price.
The SITWELL STEIFENSAND AG in Wendelstein next to Nuernberg create custom seating solutions for you and works like medicine for the body, mind and soul as well as improves your emotional and physical health at the workplace.
Sitting at your desk in a healthy manner can reduce not only sick days for the company, but also maintains the performance and vitality of the employees.
Sit healthily and feel comfortable – In order to meet the high demands of professional life, we need to be able to perform and stay concentrated and healthy.
Sitting for extended periods at the workplace, though, means high stress for your spine and all of your back muscles. That is why it is so important to choose the right office chair, one that provides support and can be adapted to your needs at the same time, or a comfortable and relaxing chair where you can rest after work.
A new chair from our company lasts for 10-15 years, which means a new office chair only costs a few cents per day.
Selecting the ergonomic and patented seating solutions from F.-Martin Steifensand and Gernot-M. Steifensand means you have office chairs and armchairs of the highest quality.
The collection is large, and everyone can have their own “personal” comfortable and ergonomic chair. All products include free delivery and come fully assembled and ready to use.
Just unpack, set it up, sit down, and feel good.
Gernot Steifensand
SITWELL® STEIFENSAND ergonomic office chair Made by Gernot Steifensand
SITWELLFIRE – The new 3D-ErgoSWOP® ergonomic swivel chair ➽ The power of fire is an undeniable force of nature that has altered the planet since the beginning of time.
The discovery of fire radically changed human history. Today fire stands for the energy and warmth that everyone needs in life. FIRE releases your sitting energy and improves the seat quality at your workplace.
The dynamic art design will awaken your spirits. Every hour on FIRE releases your „sitting energy“ and improves your mental and physical well-being.
Economically correct sitting has style. Our new SITWELLFIRE collection with interchangeable cushions makes it possible for you to create your individual sitting dream at home or in your office.
Our new SITWELL FIRE office chairs are individually manufactured and thus guarantee the highest possible level of comfort and durability. Thats SITWELL STEIFENSAND Quality handmade in Germany.
The power of FIRE is an undeniable force of nature that has altered the planet since the beginning of time.
The SITWELL FIRE ergonomic office chair gives your body the strength and energy you need to keep your body, mind, and soul in balance.
The modern art design and new seating techniques with modern features of our time release your „seating energy“, allowing you
to feel fit and effective.
Every hour on FIRE activates your life spirits and physical well-being.
Our bodies are the houses in which we live, and health is the most important thing we have in life. The SITWELL STEIFENSAND seat research group and an international team of doctors have been on a quest to understand the causes of the nation’s number one disease: back pain and other office illnesses.
The purchase of seating is a matter of trust. „Seating illnesses“ creep up on us, and we only become aware of it when we feel pain.
Every person sits differently. Women are especially disadvantaged on DIN and uniform chairs due to
their breathing and biological needs „Sitting makes you ill“, and those who sit should be able to sit
especially well in order to protect their health and prevent back and shoulder pain.
The SITWELL STEIFENSAND AG in Wendelstein next to Nuernberg create custom seating solutions for you and works like medicine for the body, mind and soul as well as improves your emotional and physical health at the workplace. Sitting at your desk in a healthy manner can reduce not only sick days for the company, but also maintains the
performance and vitality of the employees.
The new SITWELL® STEIFENSAND seating solutions for professionals offer you „seating freedom“ of the highest German quality at a sensational price.
SITWELL® STEIFENSAND ergonomic office chair Made by Gernot Steifensand
SITWELLWATER – The new 3D-ErgoSWOP® ergonomic swivel chair ➽ The power of water is an undeniable force of nature that has altered the planet since the beginning of time.
Our bodies are the houses in which we live, and health is the most important thing we have in life. The SITWELL STEIFENSAND seat research group and an international team of doctors have been on a quest to understand the causes of the nation’s number one disease: back pain and other office illnesses.
The purchase of seating is a matter of trust. „Seating illnesses“ creep up on us, and we only become aware of it when we feel pain.
Economically correct sitting has style. Our new SITWELLWATER collection with interchangeable cushions makes it possible for you to create your individual sitting dream at home or in your office.
Our new SITWELLWATER office chairs are individually manufactured and thus guarantee the highest possible level of comfort and durability. Thats SITWELL STEIFENSAND Quality handmade in Germany.
The power of water is an undeniable force of nature that has altered the planet since the beginning of time.
The SITWELL WATER ergonomic office chair gives your body the strength and energy you need to keep your body, mind, and soul in balance.
The modern art design and new seating techniques with modern features of our time release your „seating energy“, allowing you
to feel fit and effective.
Every hour on WATER activates your life spirits and physical well-being.
Every person sits differently. Women are especially disadvantaged on DIN and uniform chairs due to
their breathing and biological needs „Sitting makes you ill“, and those who sit should be able to sit
especially well in order to protect their health and prevent back and shoulder pain.
The SITWELL STEIFENSAND AG in Wendelstein next to Nuernberg create custom seating solutions for you and works like medicine for the body, mind and soul as well as improves your emotional and physical health at the workplace. Sitting at your desk in a healthy manner can reduce not only sick days for the company, but also maintains the
performance and vitality of the employees.
The new SITWELL® STEIFENSAND seating solutions for professionals offer you „seating freedom“ of the highest German quality at a sensational price.
Women differ from men in size, height, and weight; the ‘Lady Sitwell’ is available in different sizes, so a woman six feet tall can sit as comfortably as one five feet tall.
We are a sedentary society; in the workplace, we spend most of our day seated.
Most office workers, men and women, use the same ordinary chairs that do not take into account the anatomical differences between men and women, nor compensate for the constant stress to the body from being seated much of the workday.
It is no wonder that more than 75% of all workers suffer from backache. Back problems are the number one cause of lost work hours due to illness.
Our new Lady Chair features a revolutionary 3-D swivel base which rocks from side to side, front to back, or any way she wants to sway
Our bodies are the houses in which we live, and health is the most important thing we have in life.
The SITWELL seat research group and an international team of doctors have been on a quest to understand the causes of the nation’s number one disease: back pain and other office illnesses.
The purchase of seating is a matter of trust. „Seating illnesses“ creep up on us, and we only become aware of it when we feel pain.
Every person sits differently. Women are especially disadvantaged on DIN and uniform chairs due to their breathing and biological needs „Sitting makes you ill“, and those who sit should be able to sit especially well in order to protect their health and prevent back and shoulder pain.
SITWELL creates custom seating solutions for you and works like medicine for the body, mind and soul as well as improves your emotional and physical health at the workplace. Sitting at your desk in a healthy manner can reduce not only sick days for the company, but also maintains the
performance and vitality of the employees.
The new SITWELL seating solutions for professionals offer you „seating freedom“ of the highest German quality at a sensational price. – women sit differently
The office chair for women – Why do men and women use the same office chairs? Don’t size, weight, and anatomical differences matter, particularly considering that during an average work life, we spend more than 80,000 hours in an office, most of it sitting?
Gernot Steifensand, son of F. Martin Steifensand, inventor of the first ergonomically designed chair in the post-war world, has considered these questions for years.
To answer these questions, Gernot Steifensand worked closely with physicians and chiropractors to understand the anatomy of women and men and how if at all sitting compromises these anatomies. Independent medical studies proved definitively that men and women possess different sitting needs and that many problems associated with sitting — migraines, varicose veins, cellulite, fatigue, back and shoulder pain, and lethargy among others — can be relieved and/or eradicated by modifying chair design.
To that end, in 2002, with years of research behind him, Gernot Steifensand rocked the European office world with introduction of a patented swivel chair designed to meet the specific anatomical needs of women: LadySitwell the patented office health chair which accommodate the female anatomy.
The LadySitwell differs from ordinary unisex office swivel chairs in many effective details with proven therapeutic benefits. The seat is level and slightly shortened.
The seat upholstery is sprung in the center and particularly soft in the front where the thighs rest. Both features help prevent cellulite. In addition, the chair back is flexible with adjustable height and lordosis support particularly in the region of the second and third lumbar vertebrae, and is narrow at shoulder height and wider at the hips, to accommodate the reverse triangle shape of the woman’s body.
The chair back fully supports the spinal column and intervertebral discs, preventing damage to the joints. Last, but not least, these office chairs are furnished with a system for dynamic sitting that constantly keeps the muscles and the spinal column in slight micro-motion and that stimulates both metabolism and digestion, increases blood circulation and strengthens connective tissues. But, that’s not all. Women differ in size, height and weight.
Those who are a bit taller or a bit shorter know what this means. That is why the LadySitwell is also available in different sizes: S, M, L and XL, assuring that a woman 6 foot tall can take her seat as comfortably as one 5 foot 2 inches. The good news is, the amazingly comfortable LadySitwell is now available in the United States.
For further information about this revolutionary office chair for women or to test sit a chair in your office, visit
Bürostuhl Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz kaufen
Herzlich Willkommen bei www.Bü – Gesundes und ergonomisches sitzen, das liegt uns am Herzen.
Der Anspruch der SITWELL STEIFENSAND AG ist es, Bürodrehstühle nach Maß für Frauen und Männer zu fertigen, die sich durch hervorragende Ergonomie und durch einen exzellenten Sitzkomfort auszeichnen.
Testen Sie die neuen und patentierten Sitzlösungen, die nach dem Prinzip von Mass Customization entwickelt und Produziert werden.
Unsere geschulten Mitarbeiter und die ergonomische Sitzforschung unter der Leitung von Dr. med. Peter Stehle wissen sehr genau, auf welche Details es bei der Entwicklung und Produktion eines ergonomischen Bürostuhl ankommt.
Die 1000 Stühle STEIFENSAND SITWELL AG ist ein erfahrenes Entwicklungsteam mit viel Erfahrung und großer Leidenschaft für ergonomische Bürostühle nach Maß.
Unser Ziel ist es Bürostühle zu entwickeln und zu fertigen, die dazu beitragen, dass sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter fit und gesund am Arbeitsplatz bleiben und das kein Rückenbrand und Rückenbeschwerden durch langes Sitzen entstehen.
Wir legen großen Wert auf Qualität, Langlebigkeit und vor allen Dingen ergonomischen-und orthopädischen Sitzkomfort.
Wir produzieren Bürostühle, Frauenstühle und Chefsessel, die Ihren Preis wert sind. Unsere Komponenten beziehen wir von ausgewählten Lieferanten, die unsere strengen Qualitätsanforderungen erfüllen.
Wir sind nach über 20 Jahren sehr stolz, dass wir unseren Kunden in Neumarkt, Freystadt und in der ganzen Oberpfalz Bürostühle anbieten, die ihren Preis wert sind.
Entdecken Sie den SITWELL G. STEIFENSAND Ergonomie-und Sitzunterschied mit einem Bürostuhl aus Neumarkt. Wir bieten Ihnen 14 Tage kostenloses und unverbindliches Probesitzen um sich selbst von der hervorragenden Sitz-und Materialqualität zu überzeugen.
Die passenden Büromöbel aus dem 1000 Stühle STEIFENSAND SITWELL Büromöbel-Programm liefern wir Ihnen auch auf Anfrage gleich mit. Gerne planen wir in Freystadt und im Landkreis Neumarkt gemeinsam mit Ihnen Ihre neue Büroeinrichtung oder ergänzen Ihr Büro, z.B. mit einem elektrisch höhenverstellbaren Schreibtisch.
Das neue und entspannte …just sitwell Sitzgefühl.
Durch den patentierten und speziell geformten Bandscheiben, oder Schmerz Akut-Sitz und die ergonomische Rückenlehne können Sie automatisch eine natürliche Sitzposition einnehmen.
Die Wirbelsäule wird aufgerichtet und der Schulter- und Nackenbereich kann sich entspannen. Dies verbessert die Nährstoffersorgung der Bandscheibe und ermöglicht eine bessere und tiefere Atmung. Über den Blutkreislauf kann somit genügend Sauerstoff in Ihre Zellen transportiert werden.
Sitzen nach Maß ist nach dem Gesetz von „Mass – Customization“ die beste Medizin gegen Rückenbrand, Schulter-,Nacken-, und Rückenschmerzen in Neumarkt.
Unser neues und patentiertes SITWELL G. STEIFENSAND Multi-Polster Sitzkonzept „Sitzen nach Maß“ garantiert Ihnen maximale Individualität und optimalen Komfort für beste Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit am Schreibtisch.
Nehmen Sie Platz und überzeugen Sie sich selbst.
Unsere Vorteile:
14 Tage kostenlos Probesitzen
Bürostühle …sofort ab Lager lieferbar
5 Jahre Voll-und Produktgarantie
10 Jahre Nachliefergarantie für Ersatzteile
Auslieferung aller Produkte komplett montiert
Einfach auspacken, reinsetzen und wohlfühlen
Freundliche und kompetente Beratung
Alle Produkte unterliegen den DIN- und EN-Normen für maximale Sicherheit im Büro oder zu Hause.
Wir bieten perfekte Produkte mit Synchron-Mechanik, sowie XL und XXL-Stühle von 120kg – 250kg
Willkommen bei der SITWELL STEIFENSAND AG und Ihren regionalen Fabrik-Partner in Neumarkt www.Bü
Der einfachste Weg zum ergonomischen Arbeitsplatz – Ergonomisch, richtig, schnell und günstig. Nach dieser Devise bekommen Sie von SITWELL STEIFENSAND AG in Neumarkt Ihre neuen Bürostühle und Büromöbel, egal ob es sich um einen, zwei oder hundert Arbeitsplätze handelt.
Wer rastet, der rostet in Neumarkt. Das gilt für Körper und Geist gleichermaßen. Die Krux an der Sache ist: Während der täglichen Arbeit in der Oberpfalz mangelt es oft an Bewegung.
Gleichzeitig fällt es aber schwer, vor allem am Bildschirm ununterbrochen hellwach und konzentriert zu sein. Woran das liegt? Viele schreiben das der stundenlangen Bürotätigkeit zu, die nicht genügend Zeit für einen sportlichen Ausgleich lässt.
Jetzt ist aber Schluss mit den Ausreden in Neumarkt
und in der ganzen Oberpfalz.
Mit ergonomischen Bürostühlen und Büromöbeln, die den Wechsel zwischen sitzen, stehen und bewegen möglich machen, schaffen Sie ganz einfach Abhilfe. Wechselnde Sitz- und Stehpositionen sind wichtig für die Fitness. Die damit mögliche Bewegung fördert zusätzlich die Sauerstoffversorgung im Gehirn. Bei der Arbeit bleibt man dadurch wach, konzentriert und leistungsfähig in Neumarkt.
Sperbersloher Str. 124
90530 Wendelstein
Telefon: 09129-40679-0
Fax: 09129-270641
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